
TSUM VALLEY | HIDDEN VALLEY | EP:2| 3500M-4500M | 4k

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The Tsum Valley | The Hidden Valley
#tsum #beautyofnepal #himalayas #nepal
#nepal8thwonder #ghumante #hernekatha
#sanjaydasofficial #sisanbaniya
​​@kishorpaswan3218 @travelnepalwithdebesh699

The Tsum Valley, also referred to as the Hidden Valley, is a breathtakingly beautiful and sacred Himalayan pilgrimage site situated in northern Gorkha, Nepal. Inhabited by the Tsumpa, indigenous people residing in the high mountains at an elevation of 11,500 ft, they speak Tibetan and a distinct local dialect. Despite the harsh cold climate, these kind-hearted locals maintain a challenging yet admirable way of life. They adorn themselves in unique warm attire known as Chupa to combat the cold. Respect for life is deeply ingrained here, reflected in the prohibition of animal slaughter, leading to a heavy reliance on vegetables for sustenance. The warmth and hospitality of the Tsum locals extend generously to strangers, making this vlog all the more captivating and enriching to watch.

Tamdin Tsering - https://instagram.com/davidtamdin?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Karma Sherpa- https://instagram.com/brofessionalk?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Santosh - https://instagram.com/santoshkhatri39?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Dev Gurung -https://instagram.com/iamfinnaghost?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Tenor Lama -https://instagram.com/tenorlama2020?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Video Editor: Tenor Lama / Karma Sherpa
Script writer: Tamdin Tsering
Video by: Karma Sherpa
Special Thanks to Tsum Valley People's, Tshewang Dorje Dai and Ngawang Chodak Lama, Pema Dorje, Suman Lama

“Thank you immensely to our wonderful supporters, and please continue showering your love on the young walkers family.

@TravelThirstyBlog @MostafizurRahmn @DawaTashi @TDhawa
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