Loot 2 | Nepali Full Movie 2019/2076 | Feat. Saugat Malla, Karma Shakya, Dayahang Rai, Bipin Karki

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Loot 2 | Nepali Full Movie 2019/2076 | Feat. Saugat Malla, Karma Shakya, Dayahang Rai, Reecha Sharma, Bipin Karki

A Princess Movies and Black Horse Pictures Production
and A Popcorn Pictures Presentation
Nepali Movie: Loot 2

Featuring: Saugat Malla, Karma, Dayahang Rai, Reecha Sharma, Bipin Karki, Kameshwor Chaurasiya, Srijana Subba, Sushil Raj Pandey, Pratik Raj Neupane, Sushil Uprety and Alisha Rai
Cinematography: Purushottam Pradhan
Editor: Surendra Paudel
Action: Raj Kumar Uprety
Costume : Sujan Pariyar
Visual Effect : Manoj Shrestha
Production Controller: Shankar Pandey
Background Score: Rohit Shakya and Shailesh Shrestha
Choreography: Renasha Bantawa Rai and Bikram Swar
Art Director: Menuka Rai
Music: Kali Prasad Baskota, Hercules Basnet, Roshan Thapa and Suraj Shahi Thakuri
Produced by Madav Wagle and Narendra Maharjan
Story/Screenplay and Directed by Nischal Basnet
#HighlightsMovies #Loot_2 #NepaliFullMovie #SaugatMalla #DayahangRai #Karma #BipinKarki #AlishaRai.
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